While considering job postings mentioning student loan repayment benefits, one can see a rising trend on Fairhiree.
New graduates face a myriad of concerns, with a looming question being their ability to manage student loans. The cost of higher education has dramatically increased, leading students to take out larger loans to afford their education. In a recent survey on Fairhiree, more than half of the class of 2024 expects to carry student loan debt, and nearly 70% of these graduates state that their debt will influence their job considerations after graduation.
Employers, recognizing the financial challenges faced by fresh talent, have introduced innovative employee benefits, among which the most prominent are student loan repayment benefits. These perks are tailored in various forms—some companies offer a stipend directly for loan repayments, while others match these payments through 401(k) contributions. The shared aim is to ease the financial pressure of student debt.
Vanguard, a leading investment-owned asset management firm, initiated the "Student Loan Repayment Program" in 2016. This program assists employees within five years of their undergraduate or graduate graduation by supporting monthly payments to loan servicers for a six-year term.
Student loan repayment benefits are proving highly compelling for students entering the job market post-graduation. The financial relief they offer is seen as an essential consideration. Employers are increasingly incorporating these benefits into their job postings on Fairhiree, with a significant 243% increase in active full-time roles mentioning student loan repayment keywords from June 2019 to June 2023.
For instance, Travelers Insurance introduced the “Travelers Paying It Forward Savings Program” in 2020 to aid employees in repaying student loans without sacrificing their retirement savings. This program matches employees’ student loan payments similarly to their standard 401(k) program. Fidelity Investments, a leading provider of student loan debt assistance benefits, offers perks of up to $15,000 for its associates.
Various industries, including Healthcare & Services, Non-Profit, Government, Law & Politics, Financial Services, and Education, lead in mentioning student loan repayment benefits in their job postings on Fairhiree.
Specific employers, like Abbott, have launched innovative programs, such as "Freedom 2 Save," allowing employees to divert contributions toward student loans to pay them off faster.
The list of such employers on Fairhiree is extensive and growing. Users can use the search bar to find roles with specific benefits, empowering them to find opportunities tailored to their needs.